Happy Delighted or Glad Synonyms

The sun is shining, birds are singing, butterflies flying, and bees a humming. It is absolutely beyond any doubt a gratifying kind of a day which somehow makes a person tingle in excitement simply just being alive and able to view this enchanting vision of life and living.

A squirrel peeks his furry little face out from behind an old apple tree and my heart does a little flip flop in delight. The feeling of pleasure is so intense that I know deep within that I absolutely must share this pure moment of emotion with the world.

Which is why I put my pen to paper in an attempt to display this magnificent day for the rest of the world to enjoy. Ha and to provide you with a few key words should you require them.  But gasp! My mind is devoid of descriptive emotional words. I scramble desperately to discover somewhere in the deep dark recesses of my mind a choice synonym to suitably explain this day (yep I said synonym and nope I am not finding any).
Alas, in that dark empty space that I call a mind I am only able to find a few dank blank questions and a dusty cobweb of memories left over from that absolutely amazing Halloween party which I attended last fall.

Alike Mother Hubbard's cupboard my mind is devoid of substance, dark, sparse, and intellectually bare. Sigh. If I am to describe this intense emotional bliss that I am currently experiencing then I will need to find at least a few other cheerful sounding words for happy, delighted, or glad.

I could reach for my trusty thesaurus but it was accidentally buried beneath a ton of back logged tax information so it is at the moment well beyond reach. I am fairly certain that my dictionary is also buried somewhere in that huge stack of paperwork as well. Oh well.  From the vivid in paradise feelings I am currently experiencing in this sunshine induced bliss I shall compose a list of synonyms that should effectively describe how so much more than satisfied, pleased as punch and jubilant it is that I am.

Fortunately we now have the internet and I will be creating this wee little web page of wonderfully flowery synonyms for happy, delighted, and glad so that there will forever more be a record of these words.

I can and will share my blissful enjoyment of this day with any poor soul who happens to chance upon my work. My pen is my sword as I venture into a battle of words with none other than myself. En gaurd' and prepare to be gratified. The hot sun beams down to send a warm glow slowly spreading throughout my body and soul. Enraptured and charmed by its rays and also by the glorious first entrancing sip of my morning coffee the day looms pleasingly before me.  

The birds chirp in blessed unison and I feel as though I could tread on air in my attempts to relish in this simple glee. If flower fairies exist then they must surely feel that they live in paradise as they work and play among the blossoming plants of the garden.  

Tickled pink with the very idea of mystical creatures existing nearby I watch as a beautiful butterfly flutters past. How wonderful to be so free.  I feel as happy as a lark in the fact that I can feast on and relish in this captivating fantasy. I gently reach out my hand to touch a small ladybug who appears as though she may be treading on air. She almost seems to smile at me as she takes flight and moves safely from my grasp.

Bewitched and captivated by the sight of so many creatures high on life the intense satisfaction pleased as punch attitude gratifyingly displays itself in the wide smile which beams jubilantly across my face at the thought of this picture perfect day.

How can one not be enchanted gladsome thrilled and just oh so favourably impressed with this day. It is so easy to feel happy as a lark nay happy as a king, favorably impressed, carried away in paradise, exultant, to be so blessed and etc. on this intoxicating day. It is indeed a feeling of pure heaven. 

To be so overjoyed, tickled, cheered, appeased, enraptured, in seventh heaven, in ecstasy, flushed with excitement, gay, happy as a clam, transported away, elated and exalted with life is a personal satisfaction which every person should experience. 

Yes, it is truly enough to warm the cockles of ones heart and a feeling too good to miss. It really is so very important to take just a moment or two each day to slow things down and really take a good close look at all the
little pleasures in life which are yours for the taking. Really truly taste the first sip of your coffee in the morning and feel its warmth as it moves into ones body. Smell the delicious aroma of your meal as it cooks and taste each flavor on your tongue as you consume it.

Step outside and enjoy the feel of each new day. Taste the fresh air as it fills your lungs, feel the sun upon your face and then allow the amazingly soft warmth of knowledge that someone loves you to sweep throughout your body. Don't miss out on even one of the oh so wonderful events and experiences which we tend to pass by each day escape you. Be happy, delighted, or glad. It feels simply wonderful so don't miss a moment of it.

 Think Happy-Be Happy. Let Your Endorphins Out To Play

When you participate in pleasurable activities like smiling, laughing, exercising or playing, your brain does an amazing thing and releases a little chemical message known as an endorphin. These endorphins are feel good messages that have the power to actually remove physical and emotional pain. 

They travel down the spine and then throughout the body sending a feeling of well being as they go. Endorphins not only have the ability to relieve pain but they also have the power to make you feel happy so let your endorphins out to play today.

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