Beautiful Handsome or Cute Synonyms

So here you are sitting at your keyboard writing the mushiest gushiest romantic love story that the world will ever view.

Your heart is pounding wildly and your hands are clammy with excitement when suddenly your mind goes blank. and your typing comes to an abrupt halt. Gasp! The impossible has occurred and you have run out of words to describe the fabulous fictional characters busily dashing across your page. Your book now runs the risk of never being seen by anyone but yourself. This is the exact scenario that desperately cries out for a list of synonyms for the words beautiful handsome or cute.

Of course you could reach for a Thesaurus which if you were myself would be sitting handy on a nearby chair. You could also pick up a dictionary to delve into its rich trove of captivating and exotic words or very easily punch a similar word to the one that you are searching for into any one of the many online search engines. But why bother with all that extra fuss when in just a moment or two you are about to be tossed haphazardly into a delightful display of flowery nouns, verbs, and adjectives that will leave you gasping for breath. So don't despair over a momentary loss of words when there are hundreds of radiantly attractive ones just patiently waiting to delightfully and dramatically bring your writing to life.

A Romantic Tale Gone Awry
(This Is A Story Filled With The Synonyms You Are Searching For)

It is at this moment that he spots her. Amidst the pristine backdrop of a gazillion sparkling incandescent raindrops her magnificent heavenly silhouette shone divinely out from
the mist. Her loveliness intrigues him. She has a fairness of face that is unparalleled by any other. Her devastatingly gorgeous ravishing beauty is unlike that of any other woman he has previously met.

He moves closer to her so that he might behold a little closer the charming grace that ever so delicately is emanating from her splendorous cosmetically enhanced stunningly perfect figure. He is entranced for she is glorious to behold.

It is then that she looks in his direction and when she sees the chiseled fine line of his ruggedly handsome jaw her delicate curvaceous awe inspiring flower-like lips break open to display the sweetest of smiles. It is love at first sight. She is beyond pretty to look upon, drop dead beautiful, looking like a million dollars, to take one's breath away, fit to kill glamorous. He is smitten. 

He has never before envisioned such dainty elegance in any woman previous barring none. His heart quickens as he takes a step closer toward her and it is then that he spots it. He moves nearer his eyes widening in disbelief and never wavering from the sight. His heart has literally stopped beating in his chest. He wants to scream in anguish to the forests around him and shake the skies till they rain. In his eyes should he cry are enough tears to fill a river. The precious love that could have bloomed in their passion crazed eyes ends here in this ever so fleeting moment. The dream silently falls to die on the ground that lies between them. Mocking him and his desire.

Her sparkling, glowing, dazzling, diamond like eyes beg for forgiveness. Her bountiful breasts lavishly heave in a sigh so filled with hurt that it virtually opens the skies overhead to release a ray of pure sunlight to shine glimmering upon her handsomely lithe figure. And in its glare it highlights the item his eyes are fixated on. For on her graceful cunningly delicate yet shapely finger lies a small dazzling band of gold. She belongs to another man. In this moment his heart previously so naive is now ripped from his chest to be thrown at her feet. Ah the sorrow for what could have been. If only there had been the slightest chance for the love that could have bloomed he would have followed her to the ends of the earth. Fate has betrayed him.

She smiles the tiniest timid little smile and then blinks one of her exquisite blue eyes his direction. Her smile is magnificent enough to melt the hardest of villainous hearts. Yes, she is indeed cute as a bug's ear, lovely as the day is long, aesthetic to the eyes and not hard to look at one would say. She is indeed comely and fair but this bonny lass is not destined to be his on this day. Destiny has cast its hand into this ill fated romance.

He clambered clumsily into the saddle of his strikingly fine horse, tipped his hat in her direction and then spun around to ride off into the depths of the darkening forest. Luckily for him this suave fellow's prospects for the future were still excellent. He would indeed find another woman to love one day for he was a personable young man very pleasing to the eye. His looks truly agreeable enough to suit any woman's fancy. He had brawn, a goodly nature, and was generous to a fault so truly a becoming catch for a lady fair

As for the lady, well there is not much else to say. She went on along her merry way. Her beautifully ample booty bouncing alluringly as she sashayed away from the scene of this unintentional encounter. The wee moral of this story being that no matter how delicious the thought of instantaneous love at first sight might be it is generally always wisest to put in a little more time and thought to a forever commitment. A captivating hot dreamy body and face may be enticing but when one exists with another for eternity the sensational beauty within one's soul is so much sweeter to exist with. 
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