Tiny Small or Little Synonyms

One's pleasure in writing can turn into a chore when it comes to finding a word or phrase to replace that other word that you have already used just far too often. 

This is the exact situation where an appropriate synonym comes into play. Words which have similar meanings to one another are known as synonyms and they are an essential tool for those who write. You can find a wealth of synonyms and antonyms in a thesaurus or you can search Google or Bing to find a descriptive word or term. You could also seek out a dictionary and see if the description there provides you with any new cues. These methods will indeed find you a number of similar words for the one that you are looking for. I have already tried these methods and to my joy I did indeed find a number of synonyms for the words I search, in this case those being little small and tiny. So without further ado these are the similar terms and phrases that I managed to come up with for itty bitty teeny weeny microscopic etc.

So let us look at synonyms in terms of bugs. Bugs are generally tiny small or little while some of them can even be microscopic in their dimensions. Some are wee itty bitty creatures that are almost invisible to the human eye while others are short undersized puny paltry and rather dwarfish in their appearance. Mind you I have even seen some bugs that look like weeny teeny itsy bitsy munchkins from another planet. Kind of cute actually. 

I guess where bugs are concerned it is a very good thing that they are so miniature. Many of them could be quite frightening if they were not so imperceptible to the naked eye. We are just lucky that they are so minute in stature stunted in growth as this is what prevents them from chowing down on us even more than they currently do now. How deadly they could be if their size were increased even slightly more than as it now is.

But before I lose my train of thought let's get back to the issue at hand. Imagine a shrimp runt insect mite worm germ or mouse if they were not so fractional in stature. Although these mere morsels of life are even smaller than a pocket sized shadow of their previous self they could indeed be quite frightening if they were larger. Quite frightening indeed.

Perhaps fairies are a better image to focus on in the search for a synonym of this nature. These glittery magical creatures of folklore bring to mind strange images of vanishing virtually invisible scantly clothed smidgens of another life form. I am speaking of the wee mini mites or crumbs of life that we know as fairy folk. Fluttering and flying about on virtual amoeba like incandescent wings. 

These undersized replicas of the human form sparkle magical drips flecks and dashes of glittery granules as they flutter clumsily by. Too pint sized to be a threat and much unlike their knee high cousin the goblin they are mere peppercorns of life. This infinitesimal undersized mini kin of mankind is enough to shrink the smallest of brain cells into oblivious paltry unworthiness. The littleness of the whole situation is enough to have me disintegrating into tiny shards of unspoken trivial nothingness. So on that lower-case note I will take my diminutive lilliputian attitude and tuck it into my twin sized bed with my unequivocally thin lean spouse. I hope you have managed to find here a suitable synonym for your needs.

Words truly are a wonderful way to play. I love twisting them to suit my need or wants of the moment. If you are interested in writing on line there are a number of sites out there where you can create free web pages. All you need is an idea combined with a little creativity and a few basic writing skills to let the world know whatever it is that you would like to share. Online articles and blogs can be informative how-to pages by showing others how to craft or do repairs. Your writings can be imaginative or be used to create an awareness for your favourite charity or cause. Writing gives you the opportunity to let your imagination go wild so grab a thesaurus and enjoy all the opportunities that the internet now offers its writers. Get out there and play.
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