Writing Techniques for Fiction and Folklore

Fiction is a masterpiece built of deception, image, and emotion. Simply defined fiction is not true and the characters that play within it are not really experiencing what is being portrayed in the story line. Fiction is a fabrication derived from the writer's imagination.

The characters can be talking animals, mythical creatures, cartoon characters, or weird floaty beings. The story could even be based about yourself or your best friend but the events would be a total falsehood.

The events that are written in a fictional work are not actually real life events although they could sometimes be based on a set of circumstances that was real. Emotions and imagination are the main tools for creating these essays.

You select some characters, choose a background for your creatures to play in and you have the makings of a fictional story. Your tale can be anything that your overactive imagination can create. You simply entwine your feelings and fears into the lives of your characters and fiction springs to life. Writings which are able to create fantasy that appear to be real are literary works of art.

A Great Work of Fiction is a Tale that is Inconceivable yet the Accounting is so Believable that one can Imagine it as Real

Characters that are a figment of your imagination can exist in a realistic story setting while real people can exist within imaginary literary settings. There is always that somewhat blurry space in fiction where it is able to blend with reality. This special overlap is known as fantasy. So long as your story is not fact then the work is fiction. In this writing genre imagination and reality are invited to intertwine with one another. It is a perfectly acceptable scenario and frequently occurs within these works.

Talking animals or a two horned monster like space creature could play out a factual series of real life events. Having these imaginative beings act out a specific series of events then makes that particular situation as unreal as they are and thereby creates a fictional scenario with a factual basis.

Your characters can be witches, vampires, a triple eyed purple monster from outer space, or some imaginary geeky guy that lives down the road from a gorgeous blond bombshell. Which sort of takes me back to where this article first began. Turn things around and you can have a real person drop into an absurd setting of imaginary events. Intertwining the imaginary with real life can make a real person become a fictional work as well.

It is important to note though that the written work is not factual and cannot be misrepresented as real because it is a tale based on fictional events. If you want to make a factual occurrence not look quite so real simply throw a whole lot of cynicism and sarcasm into your recounting of the event. Humor and a slight smidgen of exaggerated emotion will make your tale unbelievable while still believable to those who read your work. Although real life at times does not seem to differ much from fiction, fiction does differ from real life quite substantially and especially when it comes to the written word. Keep memoirs works of fact and your fictionally pieces exactly that.

Keep in Mind the Rules of Writing Fiction

1. Events are not based on a real person experiencing an actual series of real life events.

2. Have fun with it.

3. Descriptive flowery speech is acceptable in this genre.

4. Use your imagination and emotion to create your story.

Keep your writing exciting by exposing yourself to new ideals and experiences. Have an idea? Grab some paper and write it out. You may not use the idea right away but you will most likely be able to make use of that it at some point in the future.
Always keep a notepad handy to jot down ideas when they come to you. Keep your creative juices flowing with a handy taste tempting selection of writing prompts to help you out. You will find these pop out at you in the most unusual places. Save the memory on paper or in picture for a later day. When you can't think of what to write they can help get your mind creating again.

Get emotional: Be sad, be happy, be excited, be real. A thesaurus can be one of the most valuable books a writer can ever own. Own one and use it. Practice your craft and learn all that you can about it. Write often. Challenge yourself. Do the Research. Learn as you write. The more often you write the more experienced you will become.

It is the ability of many top authors to reach into the very soul of their reader which sets them apart from other writers. They can have their readers crying, laughing, or simply holding their breath till they can flip the page and see what happens next.

What these writers have that others lack is the ability to create visible emotion within their writings. Whether that emotion evokes fear, happiness, ecstasy, or sorrow these writers can pull a reader into their work and hold them captive there till they are ready to let them go. They have the ability to create an illusion of reality.

If your goal is to write in the genre of fiction then developing this same talent is very important. Any writer can make fiction resonate with their reader if they instill enough emotion within their work. It is my belief that every author leaves a small piece of themselves in every work they put to paper. As a reader are you able to discover it?

Writing is much like speaking. When we speak we do not speak in a monotone. We use different face and hand gestures as well as a variety of voice tones to display our emotion. These additional tools add emotion and believability to our words. Without this added emphasis our words would be bland and unable to convey the feeling of the moment. In writing it is descriptive words and in particular verbs and adverbs that are used to display our emotions to those that we are trying to communicate with.

Although this ability is an innate skill for some it can also be something that is learned and a talent that virtually any person can master. Some writers find that descriptive writing comes naturally to them while for others it can be quite a lot of work to develop. It takes time, a lot of patience, practice, and emotion.

You can see in each of these examples how a few simple yet descriptive words change the emotion within each story line. Simply searching out and adding in a few suggestive words can change the entire theme of your written work.

a) Mark looked at the ground below him as he walked to the store.

b) Mark looked wearily at the ground below him as he walked to the store.

c) Mark looked curiously at the ground below him as he walked to the store.

d) Mark giggled. He looked excitedly at the ground below him as he walked to the store.

We use words to lay out the background for our tale, to describe the characters involved, and to explain the basic plot of our story. We then add in descriptive words to emphasize and accent the color or emotion within this scenario. It is these descriptive words which give our tale life and add the emotion that will resonate with the reader. These adverbs are the emotion within the story.

When reality takes a turn to fictional. To avoid confusion fiction writers usually use a disclaimer at the front of their work to absolve themselves from any possible liable, or conceivability of fact. ie: This work is in no way based on any real person, situation, or event.

Fact vs Fiction: Writing can at times become a little awkward in its portrayal of every day events. Often a real life incident can seem to be almost too absurd or too far outward from the realm of believable to be factual even if it is.

On occasion when fate turns your life into a series of very unusual and unimaginable events you may decide to recount your adventure without it sounding like you are creating a work of fiction.

After all, there can't be much worse out there than having your memoirs turned into a "Godzilla Goes Country" type of story. So how do you place on paper how real life differs from fiction to make your story believable?

Well the fortunate part of writing fact versus fantasy is that the work does not have to sound believable to be a great literary piece. It simply has to be true to be an appropriate factual accounting. There are simply times in life when fact is more unbelievable than fiction. Lord knows that I have been there and done that on more than a few occasions. Life can indeed be stranger than fiction.

Fiction writing does require some degree of descriptiveness. Some people are naturally highly dramatic individuals so a flowery use of words may come easy to them, not all writers are so blessed. A Thesaurus is a book that lists groups of similar words together. Usually set up alphabetically for ease of use this reference book can greatly enrich and improve a writer's basic word skills.

By providing numerous descriptive terms and phrases the thesaurus helps to prevent writers from using the same words time and again within their article. It is a book of synonyms and sometimes also antonyms.For most of us it is an indispensable tool for discovering descriptive words and phrases.

If you want your writing to resonate with your readers add a little emotion into it. Search out the descriptive words that will bring your writing to life. It is not difficult. It just takes time, patience, and practice. Of course a good Thesaurus helps out too. A thesaurus helps the writer to find that one specific word which is needed to display the emotion in any given scenario that he or she is trying to convey. Every writer should have one and use it often.

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